Source code for k_medoids_exact

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import numpy as np

from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, ClusterMixin, TransformerMixin
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import PAIRWISE_DISTANCE_FUNCTIONS
from sklearn.utils import check_array
import pyomo.environ as pyomo
import pyomo.opt as opt
from pyomo.contrib import appsi

[docs]class KMedoids(BaseEstimator, ClusterMixin, TransformerMixin): """ k-medoids class. :param n_clusters: How many medoids. Must be positive. optional, default: 8 :type n_clusters: integer :param distance_metric: What distance metric to use. optional, default: 'euclidean' :type distance_metric: string :param timelimit: Specify the time limit of the solver. optional, default: 100 :type timelimit: integer :param threads: Threads to use by the optimization solver. optional, default: 7 :type threads: integer :param solver: Specifies the solver. optional, default: 'highs' :type solver: string """ def __init__( self, n_clusters=8, distance_metric="euclidean", timelimit=100, threads=7, solver="highs", ): self.n_clusters = n_clusters self.distance_metric = distance_metric self.solver = solver self.timelimit = timelimit self.threads = threads def _check_init_args(self): # Check n_clusters if ( self.n_clusters is None or self.n_clusters <= 0 or not isinstance(self.n_clusters, int) ): raise ValueError("n_clusters has to be nonnegative integer") # Check distance_metric if callable(self.distance_metric): self.distance_func = self.distance_metric elif self.distance_metric in PAIRWISE_DISTANCE_FUNCTIONS: self.distance_func = PAIRWISE_DISTANCE_FUNCTIONS[self.distance_metric] else: raise ValueError( "distance_metric needs to be " + "callable or one of the " + "following strings: " + "{}".format(PAIRWISE_DISTANCE_FUNCTIONS.keys()) + ". Instead, '{}' ".format(self.distance_metric) + "was given." )
[docs] def fit(self, X, y=None): """Fit K-Medoids to the provided data. :param X: shape=(n_samples, n_features) :type X: array-like or sparse matrix :returns: self """ self._check_init_args() # check that the array is good and attempt to convert it to # Numpy array if possible X = self._check_array(X) # apply distance metric to get the distance matrix D = self.distance_func(X) # run exact optimization r_y, r_x, best_inertia = self._k_medoids_exact(D, self.n_clusters) labels_raw = r_x.argmax(axis=0) count = 0 translator = {} cluster_centers_ = [] for ix, val in enumerate(r_y): if val > 0: translator[ix] = count cluster_centers_.append(X[ix]) count += 1 labels_ = [] for label in labels_raw: labels_.append(translator[label]) self.labels_ = labels_ self.cluster_centers_ = cluster_centers_ return self
def _check_array(self, X): X = check_array(X) # Check that the number of clusters is less than or equal to # the number of samples if self.n_clusters > X.shape[0]: raise ValueError( "The number of medoids " + "({}) ".format(self.n_clusters) + "must be larger than the number " + "of samples ({})".format(X.shape[0]) ) return X def _k_medoids_exact(self, distances, n_clusters): """ Parameters ---------- distances : int, required Pairwise distances between each row. n_clusters : int, required Number of clusters. """ # Create pyomo model M = _setup_k_medoids(distances, n_clusters) # And solve r_x, r_y, r_obj = _solve_given_pyomo_model(M, solver=self.solver) return (r_y, r_x.T, r_obj)
def _setup_k_medoids(distances, n_clusters): """Define the k-medoids model with pyomo. In the spatial aggregation community, it is referred to as Hess Model for political districting with an additional constraint of cluster-sizes/populations. (W Hess, JB Weaver, HJ Siegfeldt, JN Whelan, and PA Zitlau. Nonpartisan political redistricting by computer. Operations Research, 13(6):998–1006, 1965.) """ # Create model M = pyomo.ConcreteModel() # get distance matrix M.d = distances # set number of clusters M.no_k = n_clusters # Distances is a symmetrical matrix, extract its length length = distances.shape[0] # get indices M.i = [j for j in range(length)] M.j = [j for j in range(length)] # initialize vars # Decision every candidate to every possible other candidate as cluster center M.z = pyomo.Var(M.i, M.j, within=pyomo.Binary) # get objective # Minimize the distance of every candidate to the cluster center def objRule(M): return sum(sum(M.d[i, j] * M.z[i, j] for j in M.j) for i in M.i) M.obj = pyomo.Objective(rule=objRule) # s.t. # Assign all candidates to one clusters def candToClusterRule(M, j): return sum(M.z[i, j] for i in M.i) == 1 M.candToClusterCon = pyomo.Constraint(M.j, rule=candToClusterRule) # Predefine the number of clusters def noClustersRule(M): return sum(M.z[i, i] for i in M.i) == M.no_k M.noClustersCon = pyomo.Constraint(rule=noClustersRule) # Describe the choice of a candidate to a cluster def clusterRelationRule(M, i, j): return M.z[i, j] <= M.z[i, i] M.clusterRelationCon = pyomo.Constraint(M.i, M.j, rule=clusterRelationRule) return M def _solve_given_pyomo_model(M, solver="highs"): """Solves a given pyomo model clustering model an returns the clusters Args: M (pyomo.ConcreteModel): Concrete model instance that gets solved. solver (str, optional): solver, defines the solver for the pyomo model. Defaults to "highs". Raises: ValueError: [description] Returns: [type]: [description] """ # create optimization problem if solver == "highs": solver_instance = appsi.solvers.Highs() else: solver_instance = opt.SolverFactory(solver) results = solver_instance.solve(M) # check that it does not fail # Get results r_x = np.array([[round(M.z[i, j].value) for i in M.i] for j in M.j]) r_y = np.array([round(M.z[j, j].value) for j in M.j]) r_obj = pyomo.value(M.obj) return (r_x, r_y, r_obj)